The relationship may not necessarily be sexual affairs,It may be serious or casual, straight or gay, committed or open, short-term or long-term. The important thing to remember is that dating can occur within all kinds of intimate relationships. While marriage is the legal Union of a man and a woman. One common thing about the two concepts is that they involves 2 persons coming together.
Beyond your beauty lies your very true self, in this true self man chooses who he thinks would suite him best, sometimes pretence can't be a good option couse it always has a bad ending and no responsible man will like to date or marry any woman with any of these attributes below though changes do occur at last, at end of this article I urge you to tell me if I'm wrong or right through the comment box or send me email..
OK let's go..
1. Miss Negative.
Always with negative thought and impression,you want to hear a sad story? They have one. Want to hear how bad someone else’s life is? They would LOVE to sit you down and tell you about theirs.
These are the girls that find the bad side to everything. You win a million dollars in the lottery? She’s thinking about taxes and will instantly tell you about the stories of people who ruin their lives after they win the lottery.
There’s just no happiness in them. Not only are they impossible to date, they’re impossible to enjoy.
2. The “Perfect” Girl.
This is the girl who realized in Middle School that all the boys liked her and it was because she was prettier than other girls and has ridden it her whole life.
College was her way of finding the
richest man she could to take care of
her for the rest of her life. First of all these types of girls are impossible to
please as well as they will always think
they’re better than you. Giving a girl
the kind of power to know she can leave you and date any other guy is
horrible when she abuses it. Girls who
have these kinds of looks and are
humble are hard to find, but if you
have one, don’t let go of her.
3. The Debater.(Miss Right)
This is one of the reason i broke of with my girlfriend recently,These group of girls are never wrong and find it difficult to say sorry.Ask her who is right and who is wrong in the argument? She will say it is you that wrong while she is right. For instance, You beat her with proof and examples or even took her to court and beat her through the legal process and still ask her who is right? She is. Girls, this is the side of you or the few of you who refuse to be wrong. No matter if the relationship is on the line, it’s a debate about sports, or we’re asking you if you’ll let us go to the bar with our friends, this is the girl who has it her way or the highway.
I rest my case here..
There are more:
ReplyDelete4) Combination of 1 and 2
5) Combination of 1 and 3
6) Combo of 2 and 3
7) Combo of 1, 2, 3
Lol..I fall victim to miss right sometimes..