Reasons Why Guys aren't Approaching You and Way Out

As a woman you probably have experienced a time when you think you’ve been in the right place at the right time, and saw a great guy,your dream guy and yet nothing happens between the two of you? 
This has happened more than a few times?You may assume you’re friendly and approachable, but without realizing it yourself, you may be dropping cues that push away any guy who wants to talk to you!

You may wish to ask yourself "Why aren’t men approaching me?"  OK let's take a look at the following features and see if we can help you answer the question. Tell yourself the truth and fix up anyone that describes you.

#1 You are Always with group of friends
When you're with a group of friends, you effectively are shutting yourself off from being approached because it's generally assumed that one of the men in the group (if there are any) is your boyfriend and you're taken. And if it's an all girl group, guys won't approach you because girls, when in the company of other girls, tend to deviate toward a slightly different behavior pattern and way of acting that can make them seem more immature than they really are. So try to spend some moment alone.[Read: Reasons Why you should never date your friend's Ex

Give the poor guy a chance to catch you alone. Go to the bar and get a drink, step outside for a breath of fresh air or come up with some other excuse to wander away from your friends for a minute. He’ll know that’s his window and take it. If he doesn’t, you can bet your sweet, sweet smile someone else will.

#2 You're rude.
This should have be the number one because it seems to be central point but all the same your rude attitude is causing more harm than good to you. Rude behavior is a huge turn off for any guy, irrespective of whether he’s just trying to catch your eye, or he’s sitting across the table on a first date. If you’re perceived as rude or annoyingly moody, the chances of a guy approaching you drops down to a zero almost immediately. Always be on your best behavior.

#3 That Ring 
I'm so sorry ladies but I actually need to point this one out. Ladies, traditionally the ring finger on your left hand is reserved for a wedding band or engagement ring in Western culture. It's basically a brand that says "TAKEN" and yes, men WILL look at your hand before they approach. So if you wear a ring on this finger solely for fashion's sake or style but aren't really taken, don't expect to get anyone at all approaching you. I'm really surprised that one needed to be pointed out, but apparently most women does this.[Read: Things Real men want in a relationship]

#4 You are Probably being too easy.
There is nothing wrong with going out and looking for a good time. I will say it again, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have fun, just as long as you know the difference between being a cheerful flirt and an easy picking. I don’t mean to sound like your grandma and give you a lecture on how men won’t respect you when you’re too easy. But the truth is, if you throw yourself at guys all over the place, you’ll only end up looking desperate. And girls who appear desperate and easy don’t get the guy they really want

#5 Fast Walking (Miss Hurry)
If you always walk with a fast, purposeful stride, this can actually work against you because it makes you seem as though you're either in a hurry to get somewhere or have an intent purpose/focus in mind. Both of these will make any public interaction seem unwanted. Men won't approach you because they feel like they'll be interrupting you from whatever highly important thing you were on your way to do.[Read: Reasons why all men are not the same]

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

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